ABE BioComplexity Seminar – Dr. Javier Casali


Sediment export and water quality in agricultural areas: challenges and progresses after two decades of experience in Navarra, Spain
Javier Casalí Sarasibar (Pamplona, 1967), holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain (1992), and a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Public University of Navarra, Spain (1997).
He has developed his teaching and research career in the Department of Projects and Rural Engineering of the Public University of Navarra, where he is a professor.
His teaching has focused on water in the agricultural environment (hydraulics, irrigation, hydrology) and soil erosion. He has co-directed nine doctoral theses already read and another three in preparation.
His research activity has focused on studies on soil water erosion and water quality in agricultural areas, being responsible for multiple research projects. These works have resulted in numerous publications and activities in international journals and conferences.
He has made stays as a scientific visitor in research centers of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), specifically in the National Sedimentation Laboratory, located in Oxford, Mississippi.


Hosted by

Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Carpena