ABE BioComplexity Seminar – Donald Coon


Donald Coon
Revisiting and Advancing the Modified Energy Cascade Model for Controlled Environment Agriculture Systems
Donald Coon originally attended the University of Arizona for a Bachelors in Agriculture Technology Management and Education and a Professional Science Masters through the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Center there. His previous work experiences include systems management Walt Disney World “The Land” greenhouses, researcher at the Plenty indoor farming R&D facility, and lead horticulturist at an aquaponic greenhouse. Those experiences highlighted the need for crop models developed for CEA to aid in decision making, resiliency responses, and automated environmental control. As such his current work aims to modernize and improve the Modified Energy Cascade to function as a tool capable of integration into farm management systems and accurately predicting yield of multiple crop genotypes under ideal and adverse environmental conditions.


Hosted by

Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Carpena