ABE BioComplexity Seminar – Dr. Armen Kemanian


Armen R. Kemanian
Cycles-L: A Coupled, 3-D, Land Surface, Hydrologic, and Agroecosystem Landscape Model
Dr. Armen Kemanian is a professor of production systems and modeling at Pennsylvania State University. His interests are to understand and manage processes in agricultural and natural ecosystems. Dr. Kemanian’s research integrates multiple scales, from the controls of carbon and nitrogen cycling in soils and the controls of plant water uptake and competition for resources in plant communities, to system’s level research and decision support tools based on models and applied at farm and landscape scales. Dr. Kemanian’s research program links fundamental research with societal concerns regarding food production, climate change, and the preservation of environmental integrity.


Hosted by

Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Carpena