
Idalis Villanueva Alarcón publishes NAE Perspective

An NAE Perspective entitled Hidden Curriculum: An Image Holder of Engineering by Dr. Idalis Villanueva Alarcón was published by the National Academy of Engineering.  In the perspective, Dr. Villanueva Alarcón reminds engineering educators and researchers to identify and remove the… Read More

Villanueva receives NSF grant

Dr. Villanueva Alarcón received a ~$800,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to lead a one-of-a kind mentoring hub for BIPOC engineering contingent faculty. This grant is a collaboration with Dr. Murzi at Virginia Tech & Dr. Martinez-Cola at Morehouse… Read More

IPPD Team Gearware wins Best Student Poster

Our IPPD Team Gearware won the Best Student Poster Award at the 2022 Capstone Design Conference at the University of Texas at Dallas.  They presented their Immersive 3D Asset Viewer project which was sponsored by Fanatics.  Congratulations to Robert Obendorf,… Read More

Guest Editorial Published in Journal of Engineering Education

Dr. Idalis Villanueva wrote this guest editorial about expanding research approaches in engineering education through multi-modal approaches. View the editorial below. J of Engineering Edu – 2022 – Alarc n – Situating multi‐modal approaches in engineering education research – Idalis… Read More

Idalis Villanueva Awarded for Teaching

Dr. Idalis Villanueva received the 2021 UF CTE Exemplary Online Award with an additional distinction for Quality of Course Materials for her graduate course, EGN6933 Online Pedagogy for Engineers! The Exemplary Online Awards recognize exemplary and innovative practices in online… Read More

Faculty Positions

The Department of Engineering Education at the University of Florida is searching for 2 twelve-month non-tenure-track instructional assistant professors (Lecturer/Engineer).  Positions include a 20% research assignment to support teaching. Come join a dynamic, diverse, and growing department. For… Read More