Lunch and Lab with a Graduate Student

Lunch and Lab with a Graduate Student

Considering a Master’s or Ph.D. Degree in Engineering? 

The Office of Graduate Recruiting invites our UF engineering undergraduate students to have lunch with a current engineering graduate student to learn more about graduate school.  Our engineering MS and Ph.D. students will be matched with interested undergraduates and provided lunch at Arredondo Cafe in Reitz Union at a time of your choosing.  Learn more about graduate admissions process, degrees offered, courses, research in labs, available faculty mentors, etc.  The matched graduate student will then work with you to schedule a second meeting at a later time for them to provide you a tour of their lab environment or Dept graduate facilities. 

Fall 2024 Program Dates: Monday, September 9th through Friday, November 22nd

Arredondo Cafe: Fourth Floor Reitz Union, Open Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Steps for Undergraduate Students: 

  1. Sign up for Lunch and Lab with a Graduate Student here.
  2. Graduate Staff will confirm your program participation and match you with a graduate student in the area of your interest (i.e. Ph.D. in Biomedical  Engineering).
  3. Connect with your graduate student to coordinate your lunch meeting date and time.
  4. During your lunch meeting, take a selfie with the graduate student, schedule a second meeting to visit the graduate student lab.
  5. Complete the post-experience survey and upload your luncheon picture here.

Steps for Graduate Students:

  1. Sign up for Lunch and Lab with a Graduate Student here.
  2. Graduate Staff will confirm your program participation and match you with an undergraduate student interested in your field (i.e. MS of Electrical and Computer Engineering).
  3. Connect with your undergraduate student to coordinate your lunch meeting date and time.
  4. Meet with Graduate Staff to receive your lunch vouchers and program cards
  5. During your lunch meeting, schedule a second meeting for the two of you to visit your graduate student lab (seek permission from your PI first) or other Dept graduate facilities; take a selfie with the undergraduate student in the lab or other Dept Location.
  6. Complete the post-experience survey and upload your lab/Dept picture here.