Recruit @ Home

Recruit @ Home

Hello! Welcome to the Recruit @ Home Program.

The HWCOE invites current graduate students who attended another institution for their bachelor’s or master’s degree to give a Zoom presentation to their former institutions about graduate school at the University of Florida.

Program Details

  • Fall 2024 program dates: Monday, September 9th – Friday, November 22nd
  • Topics of discussion may include:
    • Application Waivers
    • Deadlines
    • Student Life
    • Support Programs and Cultural Groups

Steps for Program Participants: 

  1. Sign up for the program via the form here.
  2. Connect with the appropriate area to advertise you presentation (i.e. staff, administration, former PI, lab group, NSBE, SWE, former classmates).
  3. Connect with graduate staff to receive the link for your presentation. You may also create your own Zoom link.
  4. Use the email template here to complete your introduction message to students.
  5. Set up a Zoom link for your meeting and pass it along to your former advising department. A PowerPoint template for your presentation can be found here. 
  6. After your presentation,  complete the post-experience survey here about your experience with the Recruit @ Home Program.