EGN 4912 Engineering Undergraduate Research

EGN 4912 Engineering Undergraduate Research

All Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering undergraduate students working with a faculty mentor for undergraduate research are required to register for EGN 4912 for 0-3 credits. This is inclusive of any avenue of undergraduate research for any term (fall, spring, summer) including individual or independent research with a faculty mentor, Brazil Scientific Mobility Program, CubeSat project, University Scholars, Emerging Scholars, undergraduate research assistant, HHMI, honors research projects or thesis, IFAS, McNair Scholar, OPS paid student work, REM, Science for Life, senior projects, SSTP, STEPUP, UFTI STRIDE, etc.

Registration Process

  1. Once you have received confirmation from the faculty mentor that you are selected for an undergraduate research position, print a copy of the EGN 4912 Syllabus and Registration Form.
  2. Complete and sign the form, meet with the faculty member to complete and sign the Faculty Mentor Registration Form, make 2 additional copies, keep one and leave one with your faculty mentor.
  3. Take the original signed registration forms to the appropriate academic advisor in your major department for registration for EGN 4912 with the appropriate department section number. The advisor will keep this original form for departmental records. If you are an exploratory engineering student or non-engineering student, take the signed registration forms to your faculty mentor’s department.
  4. Be sure to check and clear any holds prior to submitting the registration forms to the department.

Biological Engineering

Ana Martin Ryals Undergraduate Coordinator 115 Rogers 352-294-6708
Daphne Flournoy Academic Advisor 116 Rogers 352-294-6709

Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Sarah Furtney Undergraduate Coordinator J299 Biomedical Sciences 352-273-9333
Francis Lai Academic Advisor JG55 Biomedical Sciences 352-273-8096

Chemical Engineering

Kristen Burns Undergraduate Academic Advisor 1156 Center Dr. 352-392-0095
Shaura Thomas Undergraduate Academic Advisor 1156 Center Dr. 352-392-0095

Civil Engineering

Sophie Spratley Academic Advisor 370A Weil 352-294-7784

Computer Engineering

G. Chip Johnson Academic Advisor NSB 223 352-392-9758

Computer Science

Andrew Appling Academic Advisor E410 CSE 352-392-1090
Martha Pennock Schaub Academic Advisor E411 CSE 352-392-1090
Jessica McCarty Academic Advisor E409 CSE 352-392-1090

Digital Arts and Sciences

Andrew Appling Academic Advisor E410 CSE 352-392-1090
Martha Pennock Schaub Academic Advisor E411 CSE 352-392-1090
Jessica McCarty Academic Advisor E409 CSE 352-392-1090

Electrical Engineering

Nicole Young Undergraduate Staff 230 Larsen Hall 352-392-9758

Environmental Engineering

Barbi Jackson Program Assistant 217A Black Hall 352-392-8450

Industrial & Systems

Jennifer Booker Undergraduate Advisor 368 Weil 352-294-7710

Materials Science and Engineering

Tahara Franklin Academic Advisor 108 Rhines Hall 352-846-3312

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Jennifer Barrett Academic Assistant I 219 MAE-A 352-392-0962

Nuclear Engineering

Tahara Franklin Academic Advisor 108 Rhines Hall 352-846-3312