Faculty Innovation Council

The Engineering Innovation Institute has established a Faculty Innovation Council to work with the Institute leadership to increase faculty conversation and competency in entrepreneurship and innovation.  Specifically, the Faculty Innovation Council is established to:

  • Discuss UF, state and national rules, regulations, and processes relevant to faculty and students who wish to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors and how to optimize the process
  • Bring entrepreneurial faculty thought leaders together to discuss key issues (SBIR/STTR, academic IP development, Conflict of Interest, innovation in inter-disciplinary research, global entrepreneurship and innovation trends and drivers, etc.)
  • Discuss how to properly evaluate and reward entrepreneurial activity in the course of faculty advancement (e.g. annual performance evaluations, tenure, promotion, etc.)
  • Provide peer mentoring and guidance to get faculty to think and act entrepreneurially
  • Act as a sounding board for new innovation initiatives
  • Lead seminars and provide one-on-one guidance to other faculty on innovation topics

The Institute gratefully acknowledges the contributions of our Council Members

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