Why are we moving the college sites to a new template? 

The UF HWCOE 2019 theme has been in use for the better part of a decade. It’s time for an update in order to remain current with web standards and best practices, and take advantage of modern WordPress features. UF has also changed the look and feel for their sites, so Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering is changing along with them. Consistent branding helps us take full advantage of UF’s reputation as a top public university.  

How does the migration process work? 

We will set up a development site for you that uses the new Mercury theme and import your existing pages, posts, and media. After we share the development site’s URL with you, you’ll be able to log in and edit or rebuild your content as needed and edit site settings and options. Once the site is ready, you can request site launch.  

How long will migration take? 

The timeline for your migration will depend on the complexity of your existing site and whether you wish to take this opportunity to reorganize or update your site’s content. Generally, for a simple, mostly text-based website with fewer than 20 pages (the vast majority of college-hosted sites), migration takes less than a week once we get started. Launch will only take a few minutes, with minimal downtime. 

What will change about how I edit my site content? 

You will still use WordPress to edit your site, logging in the same way you did before (using your Gatorlink information). The new template requires heavier use of the WordPress block editor, and some site settings and options have moved. However, Mercury is more intuitive to use in many ways, and gives you many powerful and attractive new features to make your site stand out. 

For detailed instructions on how to edit your site content, see: