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31 Faculty Awarded University Term Professorships

In Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Honors & Awards, ICYMI, J Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, News, Research & Innovation

The University Term Professorship was established in 2016 and is presented to 250 eligible faculty members annually. Selection of University Term Professorships is based on an assessment of academic accomplishment by either a faculty advisory committee and/or the department chair and approved by the dean. Each award runs for 3 years and provides a $5,000/year salary supplement to the awardee.

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UF Professor Teams With Google To Present Phishing Insights At Black Hat

In Carousel, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, News, Research & Innovation, Security

We keep falling for phishing emails, and Google just revealed why This article is written by Rob Pegoraro and originally published on Fast Company. Here’s what Google has learned by blocking 100 million phishing attacks on Gmail users—every day. You should feel cranky about all the phishing emails you get. Because getting your brain in a grumpy gear will elevate …

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Engineering Professor Mark Law honored as Distinguished Teaching Scholar

In Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Honors & Awards, News

Each year the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars (ADTS) honors University of Florida’s exceptional teaching and scholarship accomplishments by inducting into its membership faculty who have demonstrated sustained innovation and commitment in both areas. Professor Mark Law, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering has been honored as a 2019-2020 inductee. Professor Law …

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Codebreaking Is Elementary With Help From UF Engineer

In Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering Education, News

UF engineering professor Dr. Swarup Bhunia, Director of the Warren B. Nelms Institute of the Connected World and Sachio Semmoto professor, is collaborating with Dr. Pavlo Antonenko, professor in the College of Education, to develop an online program that can be used to teach upper elementary school students how to use basic cryptography in an engaging way that will help them to read and write better and also become interested in engineering.