Human Centered Computing featured in the Sun

In Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, News

They are a department well adapted to solving complex, real-life problems – often before our society realizes it has them – and they are growing in numbers and in strength. They include some of the brightest academic leaders in the country in the areas of cybersecurity, biometrics, and informatics – and their highly sought-after students. In his recent article for …

NSF’s Epicenter selects Gator Engineering students as fellows

In Engineering Education, Engineering Innovation Institute, Honors & Awards, News

Two Gator Engineering students have been selected for University Innovation Fellows, a program of the National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter), which is funded by the National Science Foundation and housed at Stanford University. Natalie DeVarona and Daniel Kleinman – both mentored by Erik Sander, director of UF’s Engineering Innovation Institute – were among 123 student leaders from …

Nobel Laureate to speak at UF’s Nanoscience Institute

In News

For their inaugural event in the Nanotechnology Seminar Series, the Nanoscience Institute for Medical & Engineering Technology (NIMET) will host Nobel Laureate Sir Harold Kroto. Kroto was one of three scientists to win the Nobel Prize in 1996 for discovering the carbon molecule C60– which they named Buckminsterfullerene, more commonly known as “buckyballs.” His speech, “Carbon in Nano and Outer …