Professor Rinaldi receives the International Journal of Nanomedicine Early Career Scientist Award

In Honors & Awards, News, Research & Innovation

Dr. Carlos Rinaldi, professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida, has been selected to receive the International Journal of Nanomedicine Early Career Scientist Award. This annual award is presented to a scientist in the early stage of his/her career (less than 10 years after receiving a Ph.D.) who has made significant contributions to the field …

Gator Engineers Take Two Places In Contest’s Final Four

In Honors & Awards, News

Since 2010, the Cade Museum Foundation held an annual competition to encourage Florida’s burgeoning inventors and entrepreneurs. This year, two products that originated in Gator Engineering research laboratories have made their way to the Final Four: Green Liquid & Gas Technologies The Green Pyrolyzer Gasifier (GPG) is a self-fueled oven system that generates energy by burning waste. Instead of emitting …

Outstanding Young Alumni

In Honors & Awards, News

GAINESVILLE, Fla. –- College of Engineering graduates William L. “Trey” Lauderdale, III, and Agapitus “Augi” Lye were recipients of the University of Florida’s Outstanding Young Alumni Awards on Saturday at Emerson Alumni Hall. The Outstanding Young Alumni Award, established by UF’s Alumni Association, recognizes alumni ages 35 or younger who have distinguished themselves in their profession and community. William L. …

Gator Engineer Selected as Winner of FICE/ACEC $5,000 Scholarship

In Engineering Education, Honors & Awards, News

Industrial and Systems Engineering undergraduate student, Michelle Gauthreaux, was selected as the winner of the $5,000 scholarship awarded by The Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers/American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (FICE/ACEC of Florida). Since 2004, FICE/ACEC of Florida scholarships honor Florida college students expressing interest and commitment to the business and management of the engineering profession. To qualify, a …

UF Programming Team Heads to Russia for World Finals

In Engineering Education, News

Imagine you’re locked in a room somewhere in Russia, with 360 programmers from six continents. You and your two best friends have five hours and one computer to solve the world’s greatest problem: Where is the nearest bathroom? Actually, you have to solve several problems, and finding the bathroom might not be one of them. But being asked to program …

COE Faculty Member Awarded 2013 CTSI Pilot Project Grant

In News, Research & Innovation, Research Grants

Josephine Allen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, was recently awarded a 2013 Pilot Project grant from UF’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute. The UF CTSI’s most recent round of one-year intramural pilot grants provides approximately $250,000 in support of 14 projects led by investigators from six colleges. CTSI Pilot Project Awards support the growth of interdisciplinary and …

Gator Engineering Students Win UF Presidential Service Awards

In Engineering Education, Honors & Awards, News

Congratulations to the two outstanding engineering students who won the Presidential Service Award: Akua Oppong-Anane, a PhD candidate in the department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, volunteered over 60 hours of her time to help library patrons strengthen their computer skills and literacy. As a science fair judge at a local middle school, she also mentored students on their research processes …

Car and Driver Make Pit Stop on Campus to Promote STEM Education

In News

GAINESVILLE, FLA – Amid a sea of bicycles and pedestrians, a racecar and its driver made a pitstop on the North Lawn yesterday afternoon. The #78 Nuclear Clean Air Energy car and its IZOD IndyCar driver Simona De Silvestro were on campus promoting STEM education and careers in the energy industry.  The College of Engineering and race team sponsor AREVA, …

Gator Engineering to Provide Talent for Sears Holdings’ Technology Pipeline

In News

March 18, 2013 – “Today’s announcement has exactly the kind of impact on our students, faculty, citizens, and state that our college aspires to foster. If you look around the country at those regions which are known for being the focal point for job creation and innovation – the Bay Area, Austin – you will invariably find a strong college …

Large Number of Gator Engineer Inventors Recognized at UF’s 2013 Technology Showcase

In News

Gator Engineering will be well represented at the University of Florida’s Office of Technology Licensing’s (OTL) 2013 Technology Showcase on March 14.  UF inventors who had technology licensed in 2012 will be honored with a plaque – created by Fracture, a local Gator Engineering start up company – at a recognition ceremony following the showcase. Of the 84 inventors being …