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UF to Lead $7.5M NSF-Funded Project on Protecting Security of Marginalized and Vulnerable Populations

In Carousel, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Featured, In the Headlines, News, Research & Innovation, Security

Using a $7.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a team of researchers led by the University of Florida will examine the needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations among security and privacy technologies. The project, supported by the NSF’s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Frontiers program, seeks to develop foundational design principles to mitigate harm and improve benefits to these populations based on foundational computer science, social science theory, and direct collaboration with marginalized and vulnerable populations.

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UF Researchers Find Particles From Virus That Causes COVID to Expand Beyond Quarantine Spaces

In Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, News, Research & Innovation

Researchers at the University of Florida found that residential settings might be hotspots to spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, due to poor ventilation in homes and the relaxed usage of masks. As part of this study, researchers were also the first to demonstrate a viable, or infectious, virus on the surface of a cellphone.

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Innovative Injectable Enzyme Crafted by UF Biomed Engineers Shows Promise for Liver Transplants

In Featured, J Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, News, Research & Innovation

Ben Keselowsky Ph.D., professor, and Greg Hudalla, Ph.D., associate professor, both in the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, are collaborating with UF College of Medicine researchers on a three-year, $2.6M R01 project funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) that will further develop a novel enzyme-based therapeutic that has shown early promise in the treatment of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI).

University of Florida Surpasses $1B in Research Spending for First Time in 2022

In News, Research & Innovation

University of Florida faculty surpassed $1 billion in research spending for the first time in 2022. Engineers in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering conducted $131.8 million in research on such things as the application of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity; predicting and mitigating hurricane damage; ensuring bridge and road safety; and addressing sea level rise.

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UF Partners With CIA on Improving Cybersecurity

In Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, In the Headlines, News, Research & Innovation, Security

The University of Florida and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency have entered an agreement to study how artificial intelligence and machine learning applications (AIML) can be used to detect and deter malicious agents that infiltrate computer networks. The work will be carried out by researchers associated with UF’s Florida Institute for National Security.

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AI Expert Damon Woodard Assumes Directorship of New National Security Institute at UF

In AI University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Featured, News

Damon Woodard, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has agreed to serve as director of the Florida Institute for National Security (FINS). As part of a new vision, FINS will particularly focus on leveraging the UF AI Initiative to position the state’s flagship university as the nationally recognized premier provider of AI talent for the national security and defense industry, and as an innovation leader in AI-enabled national security.

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Ruzycki Leads UF’s Push to Prepare Florida’s Students and Teachers for the Future of AI

In AI University, Community Engagement and Outreach, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, News, Research Grants

Nancy Ruzycki, Ph.D., instructional associate professor in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, is leading multiple K-12 engineering education initiatives to develop the teachers and the students to help fill prospective job openings in AI related fields.

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Artificial Intelligence Platform Predicts Surgical Complications

In AI University, J Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, News

University of Florida researchers have confirmed their artificial intelligence system, known as MySurgeryRisk, is at least as accurate as physicians in predicting surgical complications and sometimes more so. Developing and testing MySurgeryRisk has been a collaborative, interdisciplinary effort involving experts across the UF campus. A group of 22 engineering and medical researchers initially helped to develop and test the algorithm, and researchers from the UF departments of anesthesiology, medicine and electrical and computer engineering contributed to the latest findings.