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Nichols and UF Researchers Awarded $2.2M to Advance Study of the Thumb

In Featured, J Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, News, Research Grants

Jennifer Nichols, Ph.D., assistant professor in the J. Crayton Pruitt Department of Biomedical Engineering, and collaborators have been awarded a $2.2 million R01 grant from the NIH National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) for her project titled “Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis: Understanding the Intersection of Muscle Mechanics, Joint Instability, and Pain.”

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Confounding Pirates and Trojan Horses: AI Gatekeepers at UF Provide Innovative Tool for Industries Looking to Shut Down Bad Actors

In AI University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Featured, News, Security

Damon Woodard, Ph.D., director of the Florida Institute for National Security and associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is leading a $1.2M research effort to use artificial intelligence for the purpose of hardware security.

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Emphasizing Empathy, Treatment and Support During Mental Health Awareness Month

In Carousel, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, News, Research Grants

A recent grant from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will allow Benjamin Lok, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering, to train healthcare students and practitioners on how to express empathy when interacting with patients who have suicidal ideation. The project is titled “Virtual Interaction Training in Emotional Self-Awareness for Working with Suicidal Patients.”

Vobile Locates New Center in Gainesville Innovation District, Solidifying Collaboration with the University of Florida

In AI University, News

Vobile, the worldwide leading Software-as-a-Service provider in digital content protection and monetization, announced on April 21 the opening of a new R&D and Operations Center in Gainesville, FL, home to more than 75,000 college students between the University of Florida and Santa Fe College. This strategic move is part of the company’s rapid growth initiatives. This is the first step in Vobile’s plan to create hundreds of jobs in Gainesville.

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Vehicles Equipped with On-Board Technology Increase Driver Awareness and Safety

In AI University, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, News

A University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI) study funded by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) found that advanced communication technologies and vehicle on-board units (OBUs) are effective in increasing driver awareness. These technologies provide information to drivers regarding their surroundings, such as the presence of pedestrians and traffic signal information.

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UF Researchers Receive NSF Grant to Study Integration of AI in Middle Schools Through Natural Language Processing

In Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Research Grants

Kristy Boyer, Ph.D., and Mehmet Celepkolu, Ph.D.Researchers from the University of Florida were recently awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to explore how to integrate AI learning into middle school science through natural language processing (NLP). Investigators will work with teachers and students at middle schools in Florida and Indiana.

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The New Big Dig: UF Researchers Deliver Sustainable Solutions by Helping Government Engineers Cooperate with Nature

In Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, News, Research Grants

With $3 million in government funding through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a team of UF researchers led by Christine Angelini, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Coastal Solutions, along with colleagues in ESSIE, is giving the Corps a sustainable framework for water resources engineering projects on Florida’s First Coast. The multidisciplinary team hopes to provide these ecosystems the protection necessary to withstand and even thrive under unpredictable climatic conditions and the burden of their many uses — commercial, residential, recreational and tourism.

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Gainesville’s Autonomous Shuttle Now Communicates with Traffic Lights

In AI University, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, News

On any given day, Gainesville’s Autonomous Shuttle (AV) can be seen driving around city streets. AV shuttle corridors across the country are mostly designed without traffic lights, or the shuttles are maneuvered through traffic lights manually by an attendant. However, the Gainesville AV can now communicate with traffic signals and make right or left turns without the assistance of a human operator.