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Predicting Damage from Hurricanes Before They Make Landfall

In Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, News, Research & Innovation

Maitane Olabarrieta, Ph.D., associate professor, and Arthriya Subgranon, Ph.D., assistant professor, in the Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering within the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment at the UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, are the principal investigators of a multi-organizational project sponsored by the Office of Naval Research.

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A River Runs Under It

In Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Research & Innovation

Subcritical turbidity currents transport large amounts of carbon, nutrients and fresh water through oceans and play an important role in global geochemical cycling and seafloor ecosystems. These currents travel for hundreds to thousands of kilometers under the ocean. How these sediment-laden currents can travel such great distances without mixing with the ocean waters above is an important question that has been answered by S. “Bala” Balachandar, Ph.D., William F. Powers Professor and Distinguished Professor in MAE, and Jorge Salinas, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research associate in MAE.

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Quantum Materials Researcher Helps Bring Inclusion and Equity to Campus Community

In Carousel, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Inclusive Excellence, News, Research & Innovation

We recently had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Ryan Need, assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), about their research, experience as a new UF faculty member, and their work with students, staff, and faculty to build a culture representative of the entire community.

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How a Robot Developed at UF Could Help First Responders See Through Walls During Rescues

In Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, ICYMI, In the Headlines, News, Research & Innovation

A University of Florida research team led by Eric Jing Du, Ph.D., a professor of civil and coastal engineering, is working on a robot dog that has the ability to enter an enclosed space, scan it, and provide humans with a visual of what’s inside, an application that could lessen dangerous situations for first responders.

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UF Researchers Developing AI Technology to Measure Produce Freshness

In In the Headlines, News, Research & Innovation

Alina Zare, Ph.D., a professor in ECE, and Tie Liu, Ph.D., an assistant professor in IFAS, were featured on TV20 News for the work using AI and x-ray technology to detect freshness signatures being emitted from your fruits and vegetables. Eventually, their goal is to create an app or wearable device that can read how fresh produce is, and how long you have to use it.

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UF Research Team Develops System That Could Provide Energy Resilience to Hurricanes, Natural Disasters

In Featured, In the Headlines, News, Research & Innovation

A team of researchers including Prabir Barooah, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, has developed a system powered by solar energy that uses artificial intelligence to ultimately decrease the cost of keeping essential home appliances or devices running through a power outage.

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FICS Researchers Patent “Universal Testing Technique” to Detect Counterfeit Chips

In Carousel, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, In the Headlines, News, Research & Innovation, Security

This story was originally published on the ECE news website. An article recently published in the Academic Times profiled exciting new technology patented by researchers at the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity (FICS) Research which promises a new way to detect recycled (previously used) and counterfeit electronic parts, especially chips. The technology created by ECE Associate Professor Domenic Forte and ECE Associate Professor …

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UF collaborates with conservation foundation on coastal solutions

In Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, News, Research & Innovation

The University of Florida’s newly established Center for Coastal Solutions (CCS) and Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) have entered into a strategic collaboration to address coastal water quality hazards in order to strengthen the resiliency and sustainability of this unique coastal area in Florida.