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UF helps state launch AI curriculum in Florida public schools

In AI University, Community Engagement and Outreach, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Featured, In the Headlines, News

Florida is among the first states to adopt a K-12 artificial intelligence, or AI, education program designed to prepare its youth for the growing global demand for an AI-enabled workforce. The framework for the public school coursework was designed with help from UF faculty, including Christina Gardner-McCune, who modeled it after the Artificial Intelligence for K-12 Initiative, or AI4K12.

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Deepfake Audio Has a Tell – Researchers Use Fluid Dynamics to Spot Artificial Imposter Voices

In AI University, Carousel, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, In the Headlines, News, Security

Patrick Traynor, Ph.D., Professor and John H. and Mary Lou Dasburg Preeminent Chair in Engineering in the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), and Logan Blue, a Ph.D. student in CISE, write in The Conversation about why detecting audio deepfakes may be even more important than catching video deepfakes.

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New HiPerGator Simulations “Solve Mother Nature” to Address Real-World Problems

In AI University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, News

In one of the most intensive uses yet of the University of Florida’s HiPerGator supercomputer, UF engineers have faithfully reproduced the turbulence and complexity of hot air rising along a wall — a previously impossible simulation with applications in home fire safety and heating and cooling. Thanks to dedicated use of 90% of the HiPerGator’s AI cluster over several days, the research team led by UF engineering professor Sivaramakrishnan “Bala” Balachandar was able to track turbulent eddies of air twisting and swirling on the sub-millimeter level.

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Engineering the Hi-Fi Brain

In Department of Chemical Engineering, Featured, J Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, News, Research Grants

Through a $4.5 million award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), two researchers in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering are working to advance the therapeutic intervention known as “neuromodulation,” fine-tuning electronic stimulation inside the body by creating next-generation electrodes that will deliver the equivalent of high fidelity for the central nervous system. 

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UF is Perfecting the Next Generation of Pedestrian Safety Tech

In Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, In the Headlines, News, Research & Innovation

University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI), in collaboration with the Florida Department of Transportation and campus and city partners, will study a suite of emerging technologies that can save lives by providing timely warnings to drivers and pedestrians about one another — before an encounter becomes fatal.

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Jutla Receives $1M NASA Grant to Predict and Prevent Cholera

In Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, News, Research Grants

Antarpreet Jutla, Ph.D., an environmental engineering sciences associate professor in the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment, along with researchers and humanitarian advisors from other institutions, created a one-of-its-kind portal to predict and prevent cholera outbreaks. With a $1 million grant from NASA, UF will become one of the first institutions primed to understand the patterns of this disease’s emergence in several parts of the world with the use of prediction tools.

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University of Florida Partners With SAS to Tackle Water Quality Challenges With Analytics

In Carousel, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Featured, News, Research & Innovation

The University of Florida’s Center for Coastal Solutions, or CCS, and the SAS Institute, a global leader in data analytics software, are joining forces to study the factors that influence water quality and the connections between water quality and economic activity in southwest Florida.