2024 AI Educator of the Year awardees

In Honors & Awards, News

Sanethia Thomas Ph.D., Diego Alvarado, Ph.D., and Ruogu Fang, Ph,D.

From left: Sanethia Thomas Ph.D., Diego Alvarado, Ph.D., and Ruogu Fang, Ph,D.

Three Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Faculty were chosen to receive the 2024 AI Awards in recognition of their expertise in adopting, implementing, creatively using, and championing AI.

Diego Alvarado, Ph.D., an Instructional Assistant Professor in EED, and Sanethia Thomas Ph.D., an Assistant Instructional Professor in CISE, both took home the AI Educator of the Year awards, in recognition of their contributions in the space of AI for teaching and learning. 

Ruogu Fang, Ph,D., an Associate Professor in BME, was bestowed the AI Course Award; her Medical Artificial Intelligence course stands out for its innovative curriculum, exceptional teaching methodologies, and significant impact on students from diverse academic backgrounds.

The Center for Teaching Excellence, AI2 Center, and the Center for Instructional Technology & Training  present these awards to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our faculty and their crucial roles in transforming the educational experiences of UF students, enhancing learning environments, and ensuring the highest standards of academic excellence.
