Paul Brown Delivers the 2013 Robert Tyrie Benton Lecture: Simple Lessons from a Corporate Executive

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On April 24th, Gator Engineering faculty, students, alums and staff were treated to an afternoon with a world-class leader. ISE alumnus Paul Brown, VP & Corporate Officer of the world’s largest paper and packaging company with operations across 25 countries, returned to where his career started, and shared his formula for success. He gave a candid account of the challenges and rewards that came with climbing the corporate ladder as an American expatriate in faraway lands, including Russia, China, France, India, and Africa. In addition to delivering the Benton lecture, Paul received the ISE Alumni Leadership Award. He was joined by his wife, Heidi Ann Brown, also an ISE alum, his father John Brown and his brother Jeff Brown. As he spoke to a room full of people, including the Benton family, there were tears, smiles, and a deep sense of reverence for Brown and his stories.
