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UF to use $23.5 million grant to build AI infrastructure to improve critical care

In NewsBy Cody HawleyStory originally published on UF Health News

The University of Florida has been awarded $3.6 million of a $23.5 million multicenter grant for a four-year data-generation project that is unprecedented in its scope, aimed at building an infrastructure for artificial intelligence in critical care and advancing artificial intelligence in ways that improve patients’ ability to recover from life-threatening illnesses.

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How UF developed a model for AI across the curriculum

In NewsBy Douglas RayStory originally published on UF News

The University of Florida is integrating AI into curriculum across disciplines to make it a core competency for students. UF professors and administrators, in a paper recently published in Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, explain how other traditional research universities might craft similar paths.

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Laser Attack Blinds Autonomous Vehicles, Deleting Pedestrians and Confusing Cars

In AI University, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, In the Headlines, NewsBy Eric HamiltonStory originally published on UF News

New research reveals that expertly timed lasers shined at an approaching lidar system can create a blind spot in front of the vehicle large enough to completely hide moving pedestrians and other obstacles. The deleted data causes the cars to think the road is safe to continue moving along, endangering whatever may be in the attack’s blind spot.

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UF Focused on AI: University Teaches Students Skills in Artificial Intelligence

In In the Headlines, NewsBy Gershon HarrellStory originally published on

The University of Florida is increasing its focus on artificial intelligence, from the classroom to campus events. UF is holding its inaugural AI Days starting Thursday to showcase how it is building an AI-focused university. The events come as UF is integrating AI into its curriculum, providing students with a growing number of options to develop AI-related skills to prepare them for the workforce.

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AI Days: Oct. 27-28, 2022

In Events

The University of Florida has set aside October 27-28, 2022, as AI Days to welcome new AI faculty to UF and highlight the research and educational activities around campus. On Thursday, Oct 27th, UF is awarding over $50,000 in prize money to student winners of an AI Pitch Competition and an AI Hackathon. On Friday, Oct 28th, we will have panel discussions highlighting the application of AI to various disciplines. In addition, we will have a poster session for students, postdocs, staff, and faculty to present AI research. There will be ample time both days to meet other colleagues interested in AI. Breakfast and Lunch are provided with some reserved parking as well. Please register and join us at the Emerson Alumni Hall to celebrate UF’s AI Initiative.

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UF helps state launch AI curriculum in Florida public schools

In AI University, Community Engagement and Outreach, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Featured, In the Headlines, News

Florida is among the first states to adopt a K-12 artificial intelligence, or AI, education program designed to prepare its youth for the growing global demand for an AI-enabled workforce. The framework for the public school coursework was designed with help from UF faculty, including Christina Gardner-McCune, who modeled it after the Artificial Intelligence for K-12 Initiative, or AI4K12.