COTA Fall 2023 Research Lightning Round


4:00 pm-5:00 pm
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College of the Art’s biannual research lightning talks

How better to celebrate the close of the semester than a celebration of faculty and student work? COTA faculty and students are invited to create lightning presentations to share a current or recent project or creative activity to share. The presentations allow us to highlight and uplift the incredible work taking place in the college just as the semester closes out! Join us in supporting the faculty and students who conduct the research that helps demonstrate the impact and diversity of research in the arts. 


Amanda Concha-Holmes – Center for Arts, Migration and Entrepreneurship – Evoking the Complexity of Black Lives in the South through Digital Humanities and the Arts 

Frederick van Amstel – School of Art + Art History – Dancing Everyday Algorhythms in the Theater of the Techno-Oppressed 

Michelle Bellaver – School of Theater + Dance – Body Wisdom, Polyvagal Theory and the Neurodivergent Performance Artist 

Tina Tallon – School of Music – Words About Music: Exploring the Promises and Pitfalls of AI- Powered Text-to-Music Synthesis 

Hien Phan – School of Art + Art History – Emphasizing Cross-Channel Communications and Debriefs in Community-Based Collaborations: Insights from an International Designer

Cody Case – School of Music – “Drumming in the Breaks of Blocos Afro: Bloco Afro Ilê Aiyê and Black Resistance in Salvador, Brazil”

Jennifer Dasher – School of Theater + Dance – Made by Teams: A Circular Theory of Collaborative Teams 


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