ISE Spring Seminar: John Hasenbein, Ph.D.


UF ISE Spring Seminar Series

1/27/23 at 10:40 AM

Weil Hall Room 406 or Zoom

Title: “Policy Robustness in Queueing Networks”

Abstract: In this research we introduce a new framework for designing “policy robust” multiclass networks. These networks are motivated by complex systems such as semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities, and telecommunications networks. In operations research, and other areas, robust control and optimization when facing data and parameter uncertainty has been the focus of intense interest over the past few years. In contrast to much of this work, we insure that network behavior is robust when individual nodes in the network have freedom to choose their own scheduling policies (under some reasonable constraints). Hence, the network in this case is “robust” to perturbations in the network policy. 

Our methodology is connected to corresponding robust optimization problems, where the uncertainty set is actually the set of allowable policies at the nodes in the network (rather than, say, the network data). We also demonstrate a new “convexity” property, in which the stability for this family of policies is inherited from “corner point” policies, via a control framework known as the Skorohod Problem. We believe this approach could be broadened to cover more general robust control problems. 

Bio: John Hasenbein is a professor in the Graduate Program in OR/IE at the University of Texas Austin. He received his B.S. in Systems Science and Mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Georgia Tech. Dr. Hasenbein’s research interests include queueing and fluid models, large deviations, and Markov decision processes. He has done applied work in the areas of semiconductor scheduling, decision making in epilepsy treatment, hurricane evacuation, risk analysis in nuclear power plants, and power systems resilience. 

He is on the editorial boards of Operations Research, Queueing Systems, Operations Research Letters, and Stochastic Systems. Dr. Hasenbein has been supported by NSF via an International Research Fellowship and a CAREER award, among other grants. His applied research projects have been funded by AMD, International Sematech, Samsung, Ayata, Zilliant, ConocoPhillips, the South Texas Nuclear Operating Company, and the DOE.

Please contact Barbara Martin with any questions or information needed for the seminar:

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Industrial & Systems Engineering