NanoDay 2021 – Poster 17 – Tahmid Kaisar


Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Noise Matching in AlN NEMS Resonators Using Parametric Amplification

Tahmid Kaisar

Authors: Tahmid Kaisar, Jaesung Lee, Philip Feng

Faculty Mentor: Philip Feng, PhD

College: College of Engineering

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering


Parametric amplification has been widely employed in various fields such as in optics, nano-mechanics, and electronic circuits to increase signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of low-level signals through modulating system parameters. Here, we report on the first experimental demonstration of electrical domain thermomechanical noise using parametric pumping. We demonstrate parametric amplification of the thermomechanical noise in an optically and piezoelectrically transduced AlN NEMS resonators ( fundamental mode and other mode). We find that once the device is parametrically pumped, electrically transduced thermomechanical noise is greatly amplified and gradually appears above the electronic noise level near the parametric pumping threshold and thus, we achieve noise matching. Based on the comparison between the parametric pumping in the optical and electrical domain, we find that although the piezoelectrically transduced thermomechanical noise is ~46 dB below the noise level of the typical electronic measurement system, the parametric pumping can greatly amplify the signal to emerge above the electronic noise level, allowing us to electrically detect the thermomechanical resonance. The parametric amplification promises enhancing SNR, suggesting the possibilities of improving performance of NEMS/MEMS devices for building sensors and oscillators.
