NanoDay 2021 – Poster 23 – Faysal Hakim


Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2-on-Si Fin Bulk Acoustic Resonators with Frequencies up to 18 GHz

Faysal Hakim

Authors: Faysal Hakim, Troy Tharpe, Roozbeh Tabrizian

Faculty Mentor: Roozbeh Tabrizian, PhD

College: College of Engineering

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering


This abstract reports, for the first time, on the ferroelectric-on-semiconductor fin bulk acoustic resonators (FoS-FinBAR) with lithographically scaled frequencies up to 18 GHz and keff2.Q as high as 17. The FoS-FinBARs benefit from the large electromechanical coupling of the ferroelectric hafnium zirconium oxide (Hf0.5Zr0.5O2) nano-laminates created by atomic layering. The ferroelectric transducer is conformally deposited on silicon (Si) fins with sub-m widths enabling excitation of super-high frequency bulk acoustic resonance modes with increasing keff2 at higher frequencies. FoS-FinBARs, created by a CMOS-compatible process, are presented over 2-18 GHz, with Qs exceeding 500, and keff2s as high as 4.7%.
