High School – AI Contest Activities

Satellite in space with backlit Earth behind it

If you have not yet registered your school or team with the National Office – go to this link to register now so that we have a contact person for the school or team. The registration has to be associated with a teacher, parent, or coordinator’s email address.

High School AI Contest

The competition will include programming aspects in the National Contest. Teams, restricted to two members, will tackle national problems using AI, such as using image data to guide a rover on the moon or Mars (NASA Article), predicting space junk trajectories to avoid collisions with Earth (ACM Article), and utilizing space telescope data to identify habitable or new planets within the solar system (Space Article).

Students will use Python programming or Jupyter Notebooks for the programming aspects.

Modules and Topics for the Monthly Activities

  1. Module 1: What is Intelligence?
  2. Module 2: How do computers build intelligence?
  3. Module 3: What are the types of computer intelligence?
  4. Module 4: How can programming be used to build intelligence in computers?
  5. Module 5: What are some examples of how intelligent computers process and display data?
  6. Module 6: Example programming projects for the National Contest

Expectations and Requirements

  • Teams must complete ALL modules to be eligible for the contest.
  • Each module will take between 3-10 hours.
  •  Ability to program in Python using Jupiter notebooks.
  •  Ability to read different kinds of data and analyze and present data.
  •  Ability to design an AI to solve a space-related problem using tools and techniques from the modules.
  • You can use other sources for your projects, but you cannot use AI programming software to do your programming for you.
  • Teams are restricted to two members.
  • The deadline to finish all the modules is April 30th.

Submission Requirements

Each Module will have a Qualtrics website submission link and survey. One person from each team will submit the team submission, but each team member who worked on the Module must submit a survey.

  • Loaded files should be in the format of Word, PDF, python (.py), or Jupiter notebooks (.ipynb)
  • Additional resources or websites used should be documented in the files.
  • Plagiarism of code or materials is prohibited and will result in disqualification. Use of code blocks with attribution is allowed if open source and cited. 


  • Presentation of the problem and solution– 20%
  • Design and programming – 70%
  • Program results, code structure, and syntax – 10%