Info Session – UF in Berlin Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Friday, November 4, 2022    
2:00 pm-3:00 pm


360 Herbert Wertheim Laboratory for Engineering Excellence
Gale Lemerand , Gainesville, Florida

Event Type

The UF in Berlin Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship program can be a life-changing experience to help you build and exercise technology innovation and entrepreneurship skills in one of the most dynamic and innovative cities in Europe.

Berlin is exploding as a European leader in technology innovation with 60% of all German investments in new ventures, especially tech startups, going to the over 500 Berlin startups a year. UF in Berlin instructors and local entrepreneurs will guide students with instruction and connections to apply leading edge technology innovation models to building your own tech startups.

This info session will tell you why Berlin is the most exciting place to study abroad this summer. You’ll experience the challenges and excitement of cross-continent tech entrepreneurship while living in Europe’s “Fastest Growing Tech Hub” (Hubspot) and “Best Youth Destination” (TripSavvy). Students who take both the UF in Berlin Innovation and Entrepreneurship courses offered back-to-back will also be two thirds of the way to completing the UF Engineering Innovation Certificate.

Come to the info session to find out more!